Struck on a very broad flan and with beautiful old collection toning
Los 228
Augustus, 27 BC-AD 14. Cistophorus (Silver, 27 mm, 11.82 g, 1 h), Ephesus, circa 25-20 BC. IMP•CAESAR Bare head of Augustus to right. Rev. AVGVSTVS Capricorn to right, head turned to left, bearing cornucopiae on its back; all within laurel wreath. Cohen 16. RIC 480. RPC I 2213. Sutherland Group VI, - (O53/R65). A wonderful example, struck on a very broad flan and with beautiful old collection toning. Extremely fine.

From an old Swiss Collection started in the 19th century.

Astrology played an important role in ancient society, as it was common belief that the positioning of the planets in respect to the stars governed almost every aspect of human life. From both Suetonius (Aug. 94.12) and Cassius Dio (56.25.5), we know that Augustus openly publicized his horoscope, the former even mentioning how coins were struck showing the Capricorn. Curiously, however, Suetonius gives Augustus' exact birthdate as 23 September 62 BC, shortly before sunrise (Aug. 5.1). If this is so, both Augustus' sun and rising signs are Libra, not Capricorn.

(Ancient) astrology was a highly flexible discipline, however, and more art than science. Capricorn was his moon sign at birth, his sun sign, moon sign and ascendant at conception, and sun sign when he was officially granted imperium by the Senate in 43 BC and when he received the title of Augustus in 27 BC. Moreover, his horoscope as a whole predicted greatness, and most likely, Capricorn was chosen as a pars pro toto to advertise this, the underlying meaning being that the heavens themselves had foretold his rise to greatness and that to oppose him was to oppose the cosmos itself.
2500 CHF
2000 CHF
3000 CHF
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